Regular Curriculum (Full- & part-time)
The daily schedule of classes are spread over four periods, the first two in the morning and the second two in the afternoon. You may choose your classes from any of these periods. In addition, there are two "Free" non-playing classes offered in the 4th period, available to anyone, whether they have already registered for all the other periods. Please note that these "freebies" do still require registration, but do not count towards your class total.
Note that there is also a "drop-in" class offered during the 4th period, for which no advance registration is required. There will be daily sign-ups available to make sure that anyone interested in playing the historical viols can have a chance to do so.
Full-time attendees may enroll in up to three regular classes from any of the four periods, leaving one period off for free time (practicing? napping?). Those who want a full day of classes with no time off may register for regular classes in the first three periods and one of the two "freebies" in the 4th period.
Part-time attendees enroll in one class only, from any of the four periods. In addition, they have the option of registering for one of the 4th period "freebie" classes if they would like. Some participants prefer a lighter schedule and choose this option, while still enjoying all the other Conclave activities and events.
Beginning Viol
As an outreach to the community, we provide this program tuition free for area residents and others staying off campus. On-campus attendees in this program pay the minimum Conference Fee, plus room and board.
You will need to become a member of the VdGSA prior to registering for Conclave. Annual membership is very affordable, and a student membership is even less.
This class introduces basic viol technique, ensemble playing, practicing skills, and ideas about how to continue playing the viol after Conclave.
Participants may add either one or two classes from the 2nd and 3rd Period offerings for an additional fee. Add-on classes for beginners this year are: 2nd Period “Orbiting Around” and 3rd Period “Centrifugal Force”. Special afternoon Freebie classes will also welcome you to drop by, and there will be opportunities for evening playing as well.
Time: MTWThF, 9:00–10:30 am (1st period)
For more information about this program, contact Conclave Music Director Sarah Mead.
* Beginners are eligible to borrow a viol to use during Conclave, free of charge with advance registration. Please indicate that you are interested in borrowing an instrument when you sign up for the Beginning Viol Program.
Seasoned Players & Advanced Projects
The Seasoned Players program offers participants a chance to play through consort repertoire in a relaxed, social, and self-directed setting. The program is open to former participants of Seasoned Players, Conclave Faculty on leave, and those with Advanced or Advanced Plus scores based on the Self-Rating Guide. Very strong reading and consorting skills are essential. While the coordinator helps organize the players, the program is collaborative in nature and each participant contributes to the process. Those who wish to take one class from the Regular Curriculum can choose the SP+1 option for an additional fee.
Advanced Projects: For those in the Seasoned Players program who want to have more focus during their week, Advanced Projects (an option within the Seasoned Players program) is open to advanced players with A+ scores based on the Self-Rating Guide. Participants may propose a project that spans one or more sessions, or simply request to play in other participants’ projects. Past projects have included: proofreading new editions of consort music, exploring unfamiliar repertoire both old and new, lyra viol playing, and playing from original notation. Bring your unfettered imagination! Those who wish to take one class from the Regular Curriculum can choose the SP+1 option for an additional fee. To apply for Advanced Projects, select the Seasoned Players program in Registration. Later in the process, you will be directed to a special questionnaire for Advanced Projects. Final decisions about Advanced Projects leaders and participants will be made by Music Director Sarah Mead.
For more information about either program, contact the Project Coordinator Ken Perlow.
Consort Cooperative
Consort Cooperative (CC) is a program designed for early-career professional viol players who want to develop their entire professional tool-kit, including coaching and communicating as a teacher, rather than focusing only on technical and interpretational skills. In this collaborative and intensive week, participants independently rehearse consort music with the aim of presenting a public concert at the end of the week for the whole Conclave community. Participants are encouraged to pick repertoire that pushes the envelope; past performances have presented free improvisation, new compositions, and arrangements of music for other ensembles alongside the core consort repertoire. Participants will choose pieces well in advance of Conclave for their CC project and are expected to put in significant preparation before arriving, as rehearsal time will be limited.
In addition to Consort Co-op activities, every participant takes a class of their choice from the Regular Curriculum. The option to take two classes (CC 2+2) is available to participants who wish to work more closely with Conclave faculty while still getting the unique experience of the Consort Co-op program. (NOTE: If you want to take the 2+2 option, be sure to get your registration in on time, to be sure of space in the classes you choose.) All participants are encouraged to pay close attention to how the teachers of their classes work with students.
Daily Schedule and Class Selection:
CC 3+1 (traditional schedule): CC projects 1st, 3rd and 4th Periods, Regular Curriculum class 2nd Period.
CC 2+2: CC projects 3rd and 4th Periods, Regular Curriculum classes 1st and 2nd Periods.
How to Apply (deadline: May 1)
If you have not participated in Consort Co-op before, please email the coordinator with a short statement about your background and what you would like to get out of the program. Please include in your statement whether you want to participate in the 2+2 option as space is limited.
You may be asked for supporting material (professional CV, recordings, references) on an as-needed basis.
Returning participants should still contact the coordinator before registering but will not need to provide a statement of intent or supporting materials.
Please wait to register for Conclave until after notification of acceptance into the program; this will be within a week of submitting the supplementary materials. Then, complete the normal Conclave registration process, selecting the "Consort Cooperative" program option.
Once the full group is decided, you will be asked to fill out a detailed survey where you will suggest pieces that you want to work on.
For more information about this program or to apply, please contact Consort Cooperative Coordinator Jamie Gallupe.
Makers and vendors of instruments, bows, and related materials are invited to exhibit at Conclave. Exhibit space with a table will be available in the Emporium, which also hosts the VdGSA Store and the full‐service vendor. While we make every effort to provide additional exhibit space if requested, we can only guarantee one table in advance. All Exhibitors must complete registration, including housing requests, by May 15.
For Exhibitors not taking classes: register for the special Exhibitors program, which allows the option of part-week stays. The fee is $25 per table per day, plus a pro-rated Workshop Fee.
For Exhibitors who plan to take classes: register for the desired tuition program, then also request exhibit space; in this case there is no extra charge for the exhibit space.
For more information about this program, contact Vendor Coordinator Sarah Poon.
Online Conclave Curriculum
For those who are unable to attend Conclave in person, we offer a way to take part in some of the activities and festivities from afar.
Online attendees may enroll in one or both of our Hybrid Classes. These will be taught as regular Conclave classes, but will also be accessible to registrants on Zoom, where they will be able to play along on mute and benefit from the teacher’s instruction. The final period will offer a live-streamed class for all, at no extra charge.
The two available classes will take place during 2nd and 3rd periods in hopes to make them most readily accessible to members across the country:
Second Period (11:00 - 12:15 EDT: Monday through Friday)
Teacher: Patty Halverson
Title: Delightful on Viols
Level: UI - all sizes
Description: Dance suites in 4, 5, and 6 parts by Valentin Haussman and Johann Schein, including suites from Schein’s delightful collection, Banchetto Musicale.
Third Period (2:00 - 3:15 EDT: M, T, Th, F and 9:00 - 10:30: Saturday)
Teacher: Martha McGaughey
Title: Spacious Firmament
Level: UI - all sizes
Description: J.S. Bach, one of the brightest stars in the musical firmament, provided a wealth of chorales which can be a starting point to discuss musical issues, using text to inform performance, and how to lead an ensemble. Two Bach chorales a day, in various clefs, with doubling.
Free live-streamed class:
Fourth Period (3:45 - 5:00 EDT: M, T, Th, F and 11:00 - 12:15: Saturday)
Teachers: Graham Christian (dance leader) & Jack Ashworth (dance musician)
Title: A Lively Shape of Dauncing
Level: ALL - no instruments necessary
Description: Discover the beauties of the dance of court and country from the height of the Renaissance to the Baroque and beyond. Learn characteristic step sequences, rhythms, and forms, as we explore pavans, galliards, bourrées, minuets, country dances, and cotillons, while also considering their social meaning and context. Learn to move with energy and elegance or join in accompanying the movement.
To register for Online Conclave, make sure to click on the registration link specifically for Online Conclave. In addition, Online participants will be able to attend live-streamed events, and enjoy social meetup times via Zoom.