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The live auction takes place Tuesday evening during Conclave and immediately afterwards the silent auction opens. These are entertaining  and enjoyable, and more  importantly, they offer an opportunity for VdGSA members to give of themselves and help others – by donating items, bidding on items, or both. These auctions provide funding to support our Work-Study program, which is essential to keeping Conclave accessible.


Please think about what you can contribute to the auction. You can participate, whether or not you are coming to Conclave, either by donating items or services or by bidding on them. Or both!


Donations: Past offerings have included home stays, tours, lessons or other services, instruments, bows and accessories, crafts, clothing, jewelry, art, books, CDs, sheet music, themed baskets of goodies, humorous items, a Hawaiian shirt, a fur vest and skirt, music history lectures, copies of a viol-themed Ph.D dissertation, treasures that have a sentimental connection to the VdGSA family and history, and of course, sheet music (Please, only music that includes a part for viol).


Big items, mailed items: Please contact the auction coordinator early if you need to mail your items or if you have a big ticket item. You can always bring items with you if you come to Conclave, but you do not have to attend to donate. For services, please email a description. For physical items, email a photo and description, and send your items with a Conclave participant, or ship them directly to the site. See email correspondence for more details on shipping time frame and mailing address.

For further questions or to arrange a donation, please contact the Auction Coordinator.

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