The 62nd VdGSA Conclave
July 21–28, 2024
Pacific University, Forest Grove OR
We are pleased to present:
A full week of in-person classes and two online class options
Programs for Beginners, Seasoned Players, Consort Co-op, Advanced Projects, in addition to the regular curriculum.
Special events (live streamed for online participants) include:
Lecture: “The Misadventures of Musicians in Renaissance England”, Dr. Kerry McCarthy
Concerts featuring Quaver (Marie Szuts, Loren Ludwig, Tobi Szuts and Brady Lanier) and Wildcat Viols (Joanna Blendulf, Julie Jeffrey, Annalisa Pappano and Elisabeth Reed)
A “Consort Cooperative” Friday evening concert
Happy Evenings Consort Club playing sessions for all levels
Our usual social events and member services:
Ice Cream Social
Live Auction
Emporium for makers, vendor services, and publishers
Viol and Bow Doctors
Student Concert
A festive closing Banquet
​Thanks to a very generous gift in memory of Margriet Tindemans, we are also able to offer three Medieval classes for vielles, rebecs, and viols: the Tindemans Medieval Program.
Registration is now closed.
Dongmyung Ahn
Erik Andersen
Joanna Blendulf
Tina Chancey
Julie Elhard
David Ellis
Pedro Funes-Whittington
Julie Jeffrey
Brady Lanier
Loren Ludwig
Adaiha MacAdam-Somer
Sarah Mead
John Moran
Ros Morley
David Morris
Annalisa Pappano
James Perretta
Sarah Poon
Elisabeth Reed
Alice Robbins
Mary Springfels
Marie Szuts
Lisa Terry
Julie Elhard – Music Director
Risa Browder
Pedro Funes-Whittington
Rebecca Humphrey
Gary O'Connor – Auction
Genevieve MacKay – Work Study
Jamie Gallupe – Consort Cooperative
Ken Perlow – Seasoned Players
Kip Irvine – Vendor Liaison
Ken Perlow – Advanced Projects